

Well, here it is. I finally broke down and started my own blog. The reason I never did this before was because I could never think of anything interesting and/or exciting to say. I'm hoping that by starting this blog, it will give me a little motivation to type down what's going on in my head. I always felt that Spring brings a freshness along with it that really helps people get motivated. So with that I bring you, THE CHRONICLES OF BEEKAY!



LadyV said...

yay! you're a blogger now too! loves you xoxoxoxox

Recycled Cha0s said...

yay!! I'm stoked you joined blogger! Its awesome to soemtimes just get those random thoughts outta your head. and its cool to look back 3 years later and see what was up in your head. I have a Livejournal still up that goes back to 2001 when I was hardcore raving. its so funny to read it! LOL

Have fun in Vail this weekend punk! Lets hang out soon!!!